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Tutorials on all aspects of becoming an accomplished musician.


1 2 3 Welcome to UltraMusician!Click the Next button below to continue.   The first note we will learn is called Middle C. To find Middle C first look for two black keys near the center of the piano. Now,…

Minor 2nds Temp

Minor 2nds

An Interval is a measurement of the musical distance between two notes. Intervals can be thought of as musical inches.

A Minor 2nd is the smallest interval in our musical system.

It is the distance from one note to the nearest neighboring note.

Minor 2nds also go by the following names:

  • Half Step
  • Semitone
  • Flat 2 (written "b2")

On the piano it is the distance from one key to it's nearest neighbor, regardless of whether the neighbor is a white key or a black key.

On the guitar it is the distance from one fret to the next adjacent fret, or a fret which produces the same sound.

You're Finished!

profile_instrument; $instruments = array($instrument); $caption = ""; $links = array("Take a Lesson"); if(!isset($instrument)){ //If the instrument is not set, then we will provide links for all three instruments. $caption = "Click one of the links below to take a lesson."; $links = array("Piano", "Guitar", "Bass"); $instruments = array("piano", "guitar", "bass"); } echo $caption . "
"; for($i = 0; $i < count($instruments); $i++){ $link = $links[$i]; $instrument = $instruments[$i]; echo "$link
"; } ?>

C and D Writing Music With Instrument

In this lesson, you will do the same thing as before but with the Question and Answer reversed.

You will see a note lit up on the instrument, then write it on the staff.

Please press the Exercise button below.

C and D Reading Music

In the next lesson you will read a note in music notation, then play it on your instrument.

Please press the Exercise button below.

C and D Naming Notes on Instrument

What makes UltraMusician so amazing is that you learn each concept in several different ways.

This builds connections in your brain and actually makes you smarter.

For example, in the next lesson the Question and Answer will be reversed.

C and D Playing Notes by Name

Congratulations! You have just completed your first row.

Each time you complete a row, you receive a bonus and earn one square on the next row.

6ths – Ear Training – Chord

In this lesson we will hear examples of Major and Minor 6ths played as chords and try to name them.

Hear are some examples:

Please press the Exercise button below.