C and D Playing Notes by Name
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6ths – Ear Training – Chord
Major 7ths Playing By Name Guitar
In this lesson, you will be asked to play Major 7ths on your instrument.
A Major 7th on the guitar looks like this:
A Major 7th on the guitar looks like this:
If it crosses over the break, we add one fret and it looks like this:
Minor 7ths Playing by Name Guitar
In this lesson, you will be asked to play Minor 7ths on your instrument.
A Minor 7th on the guitar looks like this:
A Minor 7th on the guitar looks like this:
If it crosses over the break, we add one fret and it looks like this:
6ths Playing by Ear Up
Major 6ths Playing By Name Guitar
In this lesson, you will be asked to play Major 6ths on your instrument.
A Major 6th on the guitar looks like this:
This fingering is a bit of a stretch.
A Major 6th on the guitar looks like this:
This fingering is a bit of a stretch.
If it wraps around to the next string it looks like this:
Octaves – Playing By Ear Chord
Octaves – Playing By Ear Down
Octaves – Reading Music Guitar
In the next set of lessons you will play Octaves on the guitar by name.
On the guitar an octave looks like this:
On the guitar an octave looks like this:
If it crosses over the break we add one fret and it looks like this: