Minor 2nds
Minor 2nds
An Interval is a measurement of the musical distance between two notes. Intervals can be thought of as musical inches.

A Minor 2nd is the smallest interval in our musical system.
It is the distance from one note to the nearest neighboring note.
Minor 2nds also go by the following names:
- Half Step
- Semitone
- Flat 2 (written “b2”)
On the piano it is the distance from one key to it’s nearest neighbor, regardless of whether the neighbor is a white key or a black key.
On the guitar it is the distance from one fret to the next adjacent fret, or a fret which produces the same sound.

You’re Finished!
$instruments = array($instrument);
$caption = “”;
$links = array(“Take a Lesson”);
//If the instrument is not set, then we will provide links for all three instruments.
$caption = “Click one of the links below to take a lesson.”;
$links = array(“Piano”, “Guitar”, “Bass”);
$instruments = array(“piano”, “guitar”, “bass”);
echo $caption . “
for($i = 0; $i < count($instruments); $i++){
$link = $links[$i];
$instrument = $instruments[$i];
echo "$link
You’re Finished!
$instruments = array($instrument);
$caption = “”;
$links = array(“Take a Lesson”);
//If the instrument is not set, then we will provide links for all three instruments.
$caption = “Click one of the links below to take a lesson.”;
$links = array(“Piano”, “Guitar”, “Bass”);
$instruments = array(“piano”, “guitar”, “bass”);
echo $caption . “
for($i = 0; $i < count($instruments); $i++){
$link = $links[$i];
$instrument = $instruments[$i];
echo "$link